Tuesday, 22 of July 2014: ‚home’…
OH MY GoD! After such a long time we finally made it ‚home‘. ‚Home‘ means by now out of hospital and into our new ‚Italian place‘ close to where we used to live since our house is empty and all furniture back in Germany. Thank you R and J and kids for letting us use your lovely home!!! Luka said today: Mum it actually feels a bit like holidays… ;)))
We will have to go back to hospital for blood checks tomorrow and if we get the ok we will be able to travel to Germany on Thursday, ready for blood checks in Frankfurt on Friday and Chemo on Monday…..lots if time to explore our new house that must be decorated fully by all the friends and family by now!!!
We are so happy and delighted even though Luka is still quite weak and fragile. But he had lots of fun with his siblings already and feeling like on holidays is good as such !!!
Thabks to a stunning meals on wheels tonight from our ‚old‘ ;( neighborhood we were able to spent a lovely ‚Italian like‘ evening in london! Hope to bring you more good news tomorrow !!!
Oh wie schoen !!! Vielleicht schaffen wir es dann ja uns kurz zu sehen, bevor wir am Samstag abduesen….
Falls nicht— auch nicht schlimm, dann sehen wir uns Mitte August… :-)))))
Weiterhin viel Glueck , und ich hoffe , dass mit Lukas counts alles ok bleibt !
Alles Liebe von Dana an Annika ,
Viele liebe Gruesse, Katja
Heyyy, good news!
Wir hoffen, dass nun endlich alles etwas runder läuft und die Werte gut sind.
Liebe Grüße von uns.
Was hat denn mein Cousin da im Gesicht?