Saturday, day +64: Die ‚Normalität‘ kehrt zurück – ’normality‘ comes back
- echtes Bankerspiel…a real banker’s game!!!
- Cooler Octopus!!!
- …und dazu ein Apfel!…and an apple with it!
- Malen…painting
- ‚Wiegesitz’…’weighing chair‘
- same interests
- gleiche Interessen
- Zwei Patienten…two patients
…pls scroll down for English…
Heute gibt’s wieder eher mal mehr Bilder als Text…normaler Tagesablauf: Aufstehen, Medizin, Anti-Virus-Behandlung, Pflasterwechsel, Blut(plättchen)transfusion, ab nach Hause für 4 Stunden, Abendessen, zurück ins Krankenhaus, Medizin, Anti-Virusbehandlung, Schlafen. Ach ja @ Uwe und Silke (in Zürich, nicht in Dubai), die einzigen zwei Dortmund-Fans, die ich persönlich kenne: Glückwunsch zur Meisterschaft (mehr als verdient)!
Today I will be short again and let the pictures speak…a normal day: getting up, taking medicines, anti-viral-treatment, dressing change, platelet transfusion, go home for about 4 hours, dinner, back to the hospital, taking medicines, anti-viral-treatment, go to bed. Oh, @ Uwe and Silke (in Zurich, not in Dubai), the only two Borussia Dortmund supporters that I know personally: Congratulations for the championship, very well deserved (for all the non-Germans and football dislikers: Borussia Dortmund won their seventh German title today)!
Hallo meine drei Männer – hello my three men !
Ich geniesse es in vollen Zügen und bin trotzdem in Gedanken bei Euch ! Das nächste Mal seit Ihr dabei ! 3 Küsse an Euch von Euren 3 Mädels…
I enjoy it to the limit anyways I am with you with all my thoughts ! Next time you will be with us ! 3 kisses for you from your three girls…
Good to see that everything is under control during Steffie’s absence 🙂
As much as I’m sure you don’t want to be there another minute and don’t „enjoy“ your time in confinement, I have to tell you that the new hospital ward looks much lighter, more spacious and (thankfully!) cleaner than it was when we were there; it’s good to see that things have improved and that they actually let Mika use a spare bed. Anyway, let’s hope that you really won’t have too many more days or nights away from home as that is obviously where you’d prefer to be!
Keep going – the end is in sight.
Love and good wishes to the All-Boy-Stroh-Team.
Isabel xxx
Good to see that everything is under control during Steffie’s absence 🙂
As much as I’m sure you don’t want to be there another minute and don’t „enjoy“ your time in confinement, I have to tell you that the new hospital ward looks much lighter, more spacious and (thankfully!) cleaner than it was when we were there; it’s good to see that things have improved and that they actually let Mika use a spare bed. Anyway, let’s hope that you really won’t have too many more days or nights away from home as that is obviously where you’d prefer to be!
Keep going – the end is in sight.
Love and good wishes to the All-Boy-Stroh-Team.
Isabel xxx
PS: Congratulations on the Borussia Dortmund result . . . I think Chelsea did OK yesterday but nothing quite so significant!
Hallo an alle,
Schön, dass Ihr in guter Verfassung seid und Steffi mal ein paar Tage ausspannen kann! Wir denken weiter an Euch… Auf das es immer weiter aufwärts geht?
LG Katja